LeadSimple Blog

From 2 to 75 Million: GKhouses 10 Year Journey to 25K Doors

Learn how Matthew Whitaker of gkhouses made a strategic plan to reach the company's BHAG of generating $75 Million in revenue by 2024.

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When Gkhouses first hit the Fortune 5,000 list in 2016, they we're already on a tear of +300% growth over a 3-year period - going from roughly $900,000 in revenue in 2014 to $2.7 million in 2015.

And yet that wasn't enough. In fact, technically it was less than 4% of the 10 year BHAG Matthew Whitaker has set his eyes on...

BHAG = Big Hairy Audacious Goal

A BHAG is a strategic business statement, similar to a vision statement, which is created to focus an organization on a single medium-long term organization-wide goal. A BHAG is audacious, likely to be externally questionable, but not internally regarded as impossible.

Here's Gkhouses BHAG:

"By 12/31/2024, GKhouses goal is to manage 25,000 occupied rentals and be generating $75 million in revenue."

In this interview, you will find out:

  • Why GK is betting it's future on developing internal team leaders.
  • How GK attracts and recruits top entrepreneurial talent that is each willing to take on a new market within 24 months.
  • The single biggest challenge Matthew's team faces in reaching their goal.
  • Why GK hired a Director of Marketing early on and the difference it's made in their growth.
  • What back office infrastructure is required to support that kind of scale, and how do you roll it out incrementally?

Brought to you by:

Matthew Whitaker of GK Houses

Jordan Muela, CEO of LeadSimple and resident sales expert. He's been helping property managers generate owner leads since 2008 and lives and breathes lead generation and conversion. He's living proof that it's possible to be both ADHD and deeply passionate about utilizing the right systems to make critical business processes run like clockwork.

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Jordan Muela

Jordan is LeadSimple's CEO and one of the masterminds behind the original product. Off duty, Jordan enjoys spending time with his wife and kids, reading books on business and personal growth and spending time outdoors.

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