Scaling Up Without Losing the Personal Touch

Discover how Morris Green Properties, led by Aaron Mottaghi in Austin, Texas, scaled up while maintaining a personal touch since 2014. Facing growth challenges, LeadSimple CRM improved visibility and accountability, transforming property management operations like move-ins and client interactions. Now, they stand out in the property management industry with excellent customer service, delighting tenants and property owners alike.

Aaron Mottaghi grew his company, Morris Green Properties, in Austin, Texas, to 8+ employees. Scaling came with its own challenges, but Aaron turned to LeadSimple to solve them!

Challenges of Scaling Up

As Morris Green Properties grew, maintaining a personalized touch with each client became more challenging. The surge in property management tasks made personalization difficult. Hiring more staff helped to a degree, but it didn't solve the issue. Aaron felt disconnected from daily operations. He lost visibility into the team's activities and client interactions, which once provided him assurance and calm.

“I found myself becoming disconnected from my team, clients, and residents—things I used to be deeply involved in and that reassured me everything was going smoothly. I lost that visibility. We started thinking about: how can we provide that personal touch while at the same time still processing large amount of information that we have to get through? That led us to LeadSimple."

How Did LeadSimple Help?

After implementing LeadSimple, Aaron noticed a significant difference in how the business operated.

✅ Increased accountability and visibility: Aaron gained full visibility into his team's activities, so he could quickly spot what's on track and where they were falling behind. He could easily see what still needed to be done and tackle any issues right away. For example, he could monitor the move-in and move-out processes, identify any bottlenecks, and figure out what's causing them.

✅ Quantifiable results: Aaron gained access to important metrics to see the profitability of the business as well as team performance.

Why is Visibility So Crucial?

👀 Having visibility into move-in processes now makes it straightforward to address issues.  Before LeadSimple, Aaron had no visibility on customer onboarding, whether tenants received move-in/out policies or courtesy reminders, or completed inventory forms. Now, everything critical is in front of the team. In Aaron's words: "You can go into the top-level process in all areas and look at them all at once, and you can see immediately where you need help."

The Results Speak for Themselves

✔✔✔ Aaron says, "One day we received call from a client thanking us for a very thoughtful email. It turns out this was an email we built into LeadSimple to be automatically sent out, so we didn’t need to think about it but behind the scenes it was making our customers happy."

It's about creating a professional image for your property management company with minimal effort.

💭 Aaron's Thoughts on LeadSimple

It will make your clients feel better about you. It will make your residents feel better about you. It's going to improve your reputation. Since we implemented LeadSimple, we got at least two 5-star reviews on Google. That's money in your pocket as a business owner to get results like that early on.

Learn more about the LeadSimple CRM here or schedule a discovery call here!

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